Differences between Microservices and Web Services



With the fast progress in the world of architecture, many enterprises are torn between using microservices or web services. These services have awesome features with lots of advantages as well as differences, making it challenging to choose between them.

This piece provides an analysis of microservices and web services. You’ll see the differences between microservices and web services, their advantages and disadvantages and lots more.

What are Microservices?

Microservices are software architectures. It creates a large, sophisticated application from a collection of little components, each of which performs a single purpose. For example, it can do authentication, notification or payment processing.

It has a highly specialized approach to software design. The application’s philosophy is that separating things into distinct components makes them easier to design and manage.

Each component in a microservice has its own CPU, which distinguishes it and allows it to run its own unique process.

A microservice architecture consists of a set of small, self-contained services. Each microservice component communicates with other services and components using simple interfaces.

What are Web Services?

A web service is a form of software architecture that offers services such as data messaging and communication over a standardized message system over the World Wide Web.

It consists of applications, software or cloud technologies that use web protocols to interoperate, communicate and exchange data messages over the Internet.

The most significant aspect of web services is that communication between them is independent of the platform on which they are built.

Benefits of Microservices

Microservices architecture has grown in popularity in recent years due to the multiple benefits it provides for application development. Some of its advantages include:

1. Scalability and Flexibility

One of the key advantages of microservices is their flexibility to scale independently. In contrast to monolithic designs, which involve scaling the entire application up or down, microservices allow you to grow only the services that demand more resources.

This scalability allows your application to handle variable workloads more efficiently, resulting in higher performance and lower costs.

Furthermore, microservices provide flexibility in the technology stack. Depending on the needs, each service can be implemented using a variety of programming languages, frameworks and databases.

Flexibility here allows you to take advantage of the benefits of many technologies and select the best tools for each service. As a result, you can improve performance and productivity by leveraging specialized technologies that excel in specific areas.

2. Improved Fault Isolation

An error or failure in one section of the program in a monolithic architecture might disrupt the entire system. Microservices decrease this risk by separating one service from the others. If one microservice fails or has an issue, it does not affect the other services in the system.

This fault isolation ensures that failures remain within isolated services and do not spread throughout the program.

Separating functionality into discrete services allows for greater fault tolerance. Even if one service goes down or receives tremendous traffic, other services can continue to run normally without interruption. This resilience improves the overall stability and reliability of the system.

3. Independent Deployment and Development

Microservices enable the autonomous deployment of each service, allowing teams to deliver changes more often and efficiently.

Because each service runs separately with its own codebase and database schema, changes to one service do not necessitate modifications or redeployment of other services.

This detached design streamlines the deployment process and eliminates the possibility of introducing defects or making changes throughout the application.

Furthermore, independent development enables various teams to work on distinct services concurrently without interfering with one another’s progress. Parallel development improves productivity and reduces time-to-market for new features and functions.

Each team can focus on a specific service, making it easier to maintain and expand individual application components.

Disadvantages of Microservices

Some of its disadvantages include:

  • Microservices are more complex than monolithic applications because they have more moving pieces.
  • Testing microservices can be time-consuming and challenging, owing to their distributed nature.
  • Because the components are scattered, developers cannot test the entire system on a single machine.
  • Working with various databases can be time-consuming.

Advantages of Web Services

Web services have lots of advantages. Such benefits include:

1. Interoperability and Platform Independence

One of the primary benefits of web services is their interoperability and platform freedom. Web services are based on open standards like XML, SOAP, and HTTP, allowing applications to communicate regardless of programming language or platform. This means you can simply combine various systems and technologies, allowing for smooth communication between them.

Using web services, you can construct a loosely linked architecture in which multiple components can interact with one another without being restricted to a single technological stack.

This flexibility enables you to select the most appropriate tools and frameworks for each component of your application, resulting in a more efficient and scalable solution.

2. Simplified Integration

It can facilitate the integration of heterogeneous systems. Web services allow you to expose functionality as APIs (application programming interfaces) that may be accessed by other applications or services.

This allows you to easily share data and functionality between different portions of your program or even between other applications.

3. Reusability of Components

Web services encourage reusability by exposing components as independent services that can be accessed by numerous applications.

Encapsulating capabilities into reusable web services allows you to avoid duplicating code across different portions of your application or even distinct applications within your organization.

This reusability not only saves development time and effort but also improves maintenance. Changes or upgrades to a certain functionality can be made to the web service itself and any apps that use it will automatically benefit from it. This modular approach improves code structure and encourages an efficient development process.

4. Easier Maintenance and Versioning

Web services make it easier to maintain and version your application’s components. Because each component is provided as a separate service, you may update or modify it individually without affecting the rest of your application.

This decoupled architecture improves scalability and flexibility in managing your application’s lifespan. You can deploy upgrades or problem fixes to particular components without affecting the entire system.

You can also maintain numerous versions of the same web service to provide backward compatibility for older apps while adding new features or improvements in later versions.

Disadvantages of Web Services

  • It necessitates unique machine requirements, which causes a lag in serving a wide range of consumers.
  • Everyone who uses the internet is aware that the site is not always available. Because of this, it is frequently necessary to create a system that will retry the transaction.
  • The transaction process is not yet available through the SOAP process.
  • Web services are made available to the public via the HTTP-based protocol, so anyone can access them, which is a fundamental issue of web services, namely security.

Differences between Microservices and Web Services

The differences between microservices and web services are highlighted in the table below:

S/N Microservices Web services
1. It is a software architecture, and its implementation could take the form of a Web service. It is merely technology utilized to deliver services.


2. Their ability to share is limited due to the bounded setting. Web Services allow component sharing.


3. They are accessible and horizontal. Vertical communication is as opposed to provider-consumer communication.


4. Microservices are more efficient and smaller. Web services are less complex than microservices.


5. It is viewed as a standalone application designed to provide a single, distinct service as part of a broader application. It is an approach for increasing service availability across apps using a web interface.



Both web services and microservices play an excellent role in dividing large applications into smaller ones. They have benefits and cons, as well as differences. The option to employ Web services or microservices is entirely up to the developer or enterprise.


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