What is Hackemist?

Hackemist emerged in 2011 as a software development site which has contributed greatly to the design of several mobile and enterprise software programs, iPhone customization tools and pluginsThis initiative from the Hackemist team led to the development of software programs like the Safari Omnibar plugin, which introduced the Omnibar feature to early safari browsers in older iOS devices. Over the years, Hackemist has made tremendous contributions to the Swift development community by offering massive support for the SDWebImage framework and more.

Who is behind Hackemist (The Hackemist Team)

The Hackemist Team is made up of passionate Information Technology experts who have first hand experience and deep insights on Software development, Mobile Technology, Hardware and iOS development. With a blend of Technical know-how, industry experience and a knack for simplifying Technical topics, we are here to guide you through the Nerd Lifestyle.

Among our team members are University Graduates, Tech enthusiasts and experts in related fields such as Banking and Finance, Information Technology, Computer Engineering etc., with close to a decade of experience in Web development, SAAS, Hardware automation, and Computer programming. Other team members include SEO content experts, Researchers and fact Checkers, Content Marketers and UI/UX experts who are working round the clock to provide you quality materials and content.

Finally, we are not only here to provide you quality content. We are community conscious and driven, and would like to connect with you. Feel free to comment on our posts or contact us, and we’ll respond to you soon.

What is Hackemist on iPhone?

As an iPhone user, do not be surprised if you find a no-name folder with the hackemist file com.hackemist.sdwebimagecache.default. That’s the cache file source path. The Hackemist file captures and caches images on your device for faster retrieval.

How Hackemist Tools Work

Hackemist tools integrate seamlessly with your iOS device just like your native apps, as they are written with Native iOS programming languages (Objective-C and Swift).

Hackemist Today

No doubt, the software development world, Apple iOS software development, iPhone and mobile technology have advanced greatly over the years, and with several changes happening in the smartphone and tech world coupled with growing user demands, there is a need for continued innovation. Hackemist has evolved too. 

Today, Hackemist doubles as your tech companion. Hackemist is your trusted source for all information on mobile technology, software development and programming (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, and more), iPhones and mobile devices. We aren’t tired of writing codes or contributing to the software development ecosystem. Hackemist strives to bring you up-to-date news about technology, Software reviews, Software development and more.

Moreover, our highly experienced IT team is here to help with your software development needs. We can also link you up with advanced software developers that can help develop and deploy your mobile applications and enterprise apps.

Kindly Contact Us if you need any help.
