Top 10 Programming Languages and Their Uses

If you’re thinking about a career in computer programming or just want to learn some new skills, becoming familiar with various programming languages will help you understand how computer programs are developed and why some languages work best for specific projects. This article looks overĀ  programming languages and their uses.

List of Programming Languages And Their Uses

1. C

C, the great-grandmother and lingua franca of all programming languages, made its debut in 1972. C has evolved into one of the most popular programming languages of all time over the last few decades. C is used to create a wide range of computer programs, including operating systems.

If you’re new to programming, C won’t be the easiest language to learn. The syntax is complicated and cryptic, and it takes some time to get used to. But if you get past that, learning the language is simple.

Learning C is also beneficial since if you understand it, it will be a lot easier to learn your next programming language. Because C has been around forever, it has had a significant impact on various other programming languages as well. C# and C++, as well as Java, JavaScript, PHP, and Python, all have similarities.

What C Is Used For:

  • Operating Systems and System Tools
  • Game creation involves advanced computing, graphics, and compilers.
  • Enterprise software

2. PHP

PHP is a server-side programming language that allows you to generate HTML-based web pages. It is one of the most popular programming languages due to its ease of use for new developers. In fact, PHP is currently used by 80% of the top 10 million websites.

Interestingly, PHP was never intended to be a programming language. It was originally intended to be a set of tools to assist its developer, Rasmus Lerdorf, in maintaining his Personal Home Page.

Aside from that, PHP has grown to become one of the most used scripting languages on the web. PHP, like Python and Perl, is a server-side language capable of constructing login sites, photo galleries, discussion forums, and much more.

Some of the most well-known PHP-powered websites are WordPress, Facebook, and Tumblr.

What PHP Is Used For:

3. C#

C# (pronounced “C-sharp”) was created by Microsoft to run on their .NET framework. It is based on C and C++. C# was originally intended to be simple to learn and use. C# is a high-level language, which means that it reads similarly to English.

Furthermore, it abstracts away many of the hard duties required to ensure that the machine can read and process your code correctly.

However, C# does not have the same level of abstraction as Python. As a result, Python is more accessible to novices than C#.

What C# Is Used For:

  • Develop games in Unity and create desktop applications on Microsoft and Windows.
  • Web Services
  • Web apps

Microsoft’s main programming language is C#. If you want to create applications for the Microsoft platform, C# is an excellent alternative. Another common C# use is game development. If you want to work in the game sector, C# is a good option. It is the preferred language for creating games using the Unity game engine, for example.

4. C++

C++ is built on C, the undisputed dinosaur of programming languages that are still in use. C++ is a powerful, high-performance language, yet it is somewhat low-level. Low-level programming languages have lower levels of abstraction, making them more difficult to “read” than high-level languages.

Learning a low-level language requires you to focus more on learning how the language itself works. As a result, you can spend less time studying how computer programming works and what it is all about.

If you’re developing an application from scratch in C++, you’ll need to create a lot of code. However, C++ projects are typically more difficult to maintain and manage.

On the other hand, C++ is extremely scalable and efficient. C++ is widely used in resource-intensive projects, including some of the most spectacular 3D games available.

If you want to learn C++, keep in mind that it is a fairly complicated language to learn. Look for an experienced mentor to advise and encourage you along the process. If you want to take on large projects and have a lot of control over how the programs run, C++ is probably a smart choice.

Learning the fundamentals of C enables you to pick up C++ faster. That’s kind of a precondition for learning C++ anyway. Mastering C++ will make learning other programming languages much easier.

What C++ Is Used For:

5. CSS

CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, is the language that web designers and developers use to create the appearance and design of a website. Whereas HTML produces a website’s structure and content, such as paragraphs, headings, and images, CSS transforms those pieces into something visually appealing.

If you want to build websites, you should learn CSS at some point. Fortunately, CSS is simple and quick to learn. It’s also one of the most motivating languages for beginners because you can see the results of your work immediately.

Even if you can learn the basics of CSS in a few days, it might take years to master the more complex tricks with confidence. Of course, CSS is merely a style sheet language, not a “proper” programming language.

CSS, along with HTML and JavaScript, is one of the most fundamental front-end abilities that any web developer or designer must master. Also, if you want to start making money while learning to code, learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is the quickest and easiest method to get your first mini-jobs.

You may start earning money in a matter of weeks by doing modest projects on freelancing platforms like Upwork.

Simultaneously, you can steadily construct a strong web developer portfolio to advance to larger jobs. When you feel confident enough, you can begin applying for your first entry-level front-end development positions.

What CSS Is Used For

  • Styling web page structure, layout, and content (by choosing HTML elements and applying style rules to them).

6. R

Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman released the R programming language in 1993. R has evolved to become one of the most popular and effective programming languages for data analysis, graphical data modeling, and time-series analysis, among other things.

As a result, if you’ve ever done data analysis or worked with Machine Learning, you’ve almost certainly seen R. Overall, R is a sophisticated programming language that offers developers and data scientists a wide range of specific approaches and capabilities. Furthermore, it integrates nicely with code from other prominent programming languages such as C, C++, Java, and Python.

What R Is Used For

  • Data analysis and science, including machine learning


The HyperText Markup Language, or HTML, is used to create structured content for all websites on the Web. HTML is a markup language, not a programming language.

What HTML Is Used ForĀ 

  • Navigation menus
  • Sidebars
  • Footer areas
  • Headings and paragraphs
  • Lists
  • Embedded pictures, media, and more.

Everything you see on a website is due to HTML. The text you’re reading now is an HTML paragraph element.

8. SQL: Database Management Language

SQL (Structured Query Language) is the foundation of database management. It provides a standardized interface to relational databases, making it vital for software development. SQL allows efficient data handling, assuring data integrity and accessibility across a variety of applications.

What SQL Is Used For:

  • Database Management
  • Data retrieval
  • Change and updating of data in databases.
  • Data Security

9. Java

Java is one of the world’s most extensively used programming languages. Java can be used for a range of purposes, ranging from developing Android smartphone apps to creating complicated desktop applications.

Java is now ranked third in the TIOBE Index, which rates programming languages based on how frequently they are searched for on the most popular search engines.

The fundamentals of Java are derived from C++, but Java is easier to understand and use, particularly for novices.

For example, one of the key goals that the Java developers had was to build a programming language that would allow their code to execute on two completely different machines. That is where the Java phrase “write once, run anywhere” is from.

Nevertheless, Java is widely used across all platforms, operating systems, and gadgets. Java is one of the most popular and well-paid programming languages in the world due to its versatility and adaptability.

What Java Is Used For:

  • Mobile Development (Android)
  • Desktop applications (cross-platform).
  • Game development
  • Big Data Technology

10. Swift

In 2014, Apple created its own programming language, presently known as Swift. Before that, Objective-C was widely used in iOS programming. As a result, Swift is designed specifically for iOS and OS X developers, providing them with the tools they need to create the next great thing on the app market. Given the high demand in the mobile app business, it’s not surprising that Swift swiftly gained popularity. It scales well and is speedy.

Furthermore, Swift is largely influenced by Ruby and Python, making it ideal for beginners and straightforward to use.

However, because Swift is a relative newcomer to the language world, the support group may be smaller than for the more established languages. But, as with any other language, it is only a matter of time.

What Swift Is Used For:

  • Mobile app development (for iOS devices)


Some programmers can make a career out of being an expert in one language, but many programmers learn new languages on a regular basis, Gorton says, with some becoming fluent in three or more.

The type of software you wish to produce is one consideration for programming languages to learn. While there are no concrete rules about what language is used to build what program, here are some guidelines:

Python and JavaScript are more commonly used programming languages among web-based startups. Larger firms typically produce internal software programs in C# or Java, as well as web apps in PHP.

Data analytics programs often make use of the computer languages R and MATLAB. Embedded equipment in the automotive and healthcare industries runs software written in C, C++, or Rust.

Go and Scala are increasingly being used to develop cloud-based applications. Mobile applications are increasingly being created in Swift or Kotlin.


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